Now this what I call a flawless depiction of gorgeous, sexy dishevelment.
Look at the angularity of his face! And those cheekbones! Sometimes I wonder if it hurts to be that beautiful.
Ed's radical spin to opening a bottle!He takes everything (from having a badass drawl to being unbearably hot) to a whole new level.
Quote Of The Day
'You and Serena have it easy. Until now, your biggest concern is whose hair is more shiny.' -Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl 3x18 The Unblairable Lightness Of Being
I just woke up from this headache-induced slumber! Took this really nasty bash to the head while opening a cabinet and forgetting that my head was in the way(heh) and then I got a killer migraine. I am totally convinced that there is a high chance I'm concussed, but no one in my family believes me! They are so unsympathetic to my woes! I seemed to be the only one who thought it was NOT FUNNY AT ALL. Like, Marcus was in fits of laughter after the Horrible Unspeakable Incident, even when I snapped that I was in extreme pain, could possibly need prompt medical attention, and just in case could he please have the ambulance on speed dial.
Yesterday I had this Secret Spilling Session with Dominique and Amanda. It was so exciting((: We were at it till practically midnight, and made HUGE progress on Operation Snag X for manda!
THIS IS THE LAST STRAW I'M CALLING THE COPS ON MY BROTHER! He's sent, like a hundred texts that are either blank or have ugly smirking faces to me in the past half hour!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010,7:08 AM
So one-upped you, nuts! And there's a lot more where that came from!
Happy belated birthday, Justin! You're such a pretty little girl.
Monday, March 15, 2010,4:10 AM
It takes one to know one
(Finn fake yawns and passes a note)
Quinn: What is this?
Finn: Check it out, I came up with a name that I think would be good for the kid.
Mr Schue: Eyes on your own test, Finn.
Finn: Anyway, then I read that Gwyneth Paltrow named her kid Apple, and I think that's so cool, 'cause you know how much I love apples, right? And so, I figured we should name our kid something more.. original and poetic. Then, I came up with the best baby name of all time...DRIZZLE!
Quinn: Drizzle?!
Finn: Yeah, yeah. 'Cause you know how awesome it is when it's just drizzling outside, but it's not really raining, so it smells like rain, but you don't need an umbrella to go outside.
Quinn: Are you a moron?
Finn: What?
Quinn: We're not naming out baby Drizzle, we're not naming our baby anything. Finish your test, Finn.
Glee is fantab! Glee marathons are so much fun.
Monday, February 22, 2010,1:23 AM
Hot Mess
She talks to Olivier(the cute blonde defender) and I tell her(jokingly) to think of Flirting Rules101 and release her inner socialite, and look what she does!
19:08 Natasha:
19:10 Olivier:
19:12 Natasha:
yeah im from st nicks
your team practically got the our whole hockey team that went to scc carnival crazy
It was definitely better than the book! I thought the book was badly written and a little stupid, but the movie exceeded my expectations!
OH on Saturday we played at SCC's Under 17 hockey carnival.
It was okay, mostly fun except for some awful match moments!
Me and Michelle had embarrassing encounters in the portaloos first thing in the morning- We were stumped because the taps wouldn't turn on! I though my banging-on-the-tap method(which only produced a few miserable drops of water, but it was better than nothing, okay!) was mighty clever until Michelle had a revelation and announced that stepping on a black push button would trigger water pouring down from the tap! So we both scrambled into a cubicle to turn on the water and the door closed and we thought we were stuck inside, so I panicked and pushed against the dumb door with everything I had, almost knocking Michelle into the toilet bowl in the process. It turned out Natasha and Delia had been holding on to the door and that was why we couldn't open it, those prats! >:(
Our first few matches started off pretty badly but we made a bit of a comeback in the later matches!
UWC (United World College) sent both guy and girl teams. We played the girl team in our third match and tied:/ I think I might've injured this girl during the match because I know I unintentionally swung my stick at her leg while tackling her and she was rubbing ice on her ankle after the match))):
It was really exciting, indiscreetly (or at least, we tried to be indiscreet) ogling the UWC guys and trying to spot the good looking ones! They had their last names on the back of their jerseys which made everything so much more fun! Natasha thought this really pretty blonde girl looked like Taylor Swift! (which she didn't)
And SCC's dressing rooms are SO posh!
There were mirrors all over and the works! We spent so much time in there we got chased out :////
I have the worst sunburns from being in the sun for an entire day during the carnival yesterday! My shoulders are red and peeling and stinging)): I think I've rubbed rose aloe vera cream on them five times today.
I MUST remember to apply excessive amounts of sunscreen the next time Mr Sun comes around!
Thursday, February 18, 2010,2:39 AM
R.I.P, Alexander McQueen)):
T-swizzle and Taylor Lautner on the set(T-swizzle looks so feisty and wild and stunning!) They're so perfect next to each other! They should still be together)):Plus they were so funny on V day!
And my new crush,
LOOK AT HIM! Just look! (correction: h-h-h-hyperventilate)Soulful puppydog eyes and windblown blond hair and theCUTEST SMILE. And some major acting chops for someone who's only ten!Rebecca Robinson.Has a ring to it, doesn't it?! And four years is hardly anything, if you think about it! Anyway aren't older women all the rage now?!
Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher(who can totally pull off pink!) Jennifer Garner(AGAIN!) and Bryce The Boy Of My Dreams
Jennifer gets all the luck!>:/
Quote of the day: Edison(Bryce) -
'I usually don't go for girls my own age.'(way to go, cutie!)
MY PRINTER KEEPS BEING A TOTAL PRAT OF A PRINTER! I feel like breathing into a paper bag to calm myself down like they do in movies! But I can't find any paper bags lying around!)): This is so downright frustrating!
We had no time for a Sephora Shopping Spree yesterday): But Valentine's Day was worth every moment, even though, because of how the tickets were in high demand yesterday, we got crap front-row seats in the theatre which equates to sore necks and hints of headaches after the movie ended. But as I said, worth it. Worth all of it!
Today I crashed straight into a chair and now I've got a massive half-a-fist-sized bruise): On the bright side, it isn't very visible. So at least it's not a really painful and ugly bruise! Who knew bumping into deceivingly harmless, cute chairs could cause that much hurt! Not fun at all:/
Before I forget, Taylor Swift's newly released Fearless music video is completely breathtaking. I could have it on replay all day! -Dreamy eyes- As me and Michelle were discussing over enthusiastic texting, if she comes for a concert, to heck with curfews and parental restrictions! We will SNEAK OUT- pull a Jacob Black(what with all his climbing-in-and-out-of-Bella's-window-tendencies)- if that's what it takes!
Speaking of breathtaking, Glee is dead addictive! I'm falling for it all over again, and much harder this time! The cast is way more interesting when I watch it from the start the second time around. Must be the great quality and bigger screen!
OH band hero jam sessions with Michelle, Delia and Natasha on wednesday! T-swizzle, here we come!
Chick flicks are my absolute favourite kind of movies! 'Cause even though they're mindless guilty pleasures they're unparallelled because they're so enjoyable!
I'm into reality TV shows like ANTM and AI and BGT!
I like yellow M&Ms BEST of all 'cause they've got some real (sunny) personality going on!
I can do a mean moonwalk!(Even though NO ONE appreciates it! And my morons of siblings coined my imitation the 'turtlewalk'! But who cares about those doubters!) Also I've got terrific wedgie-giving skills, so, believe me, you don't wanna mess with me!>:)